Thème | 1er auteur | Année | Journal | Titre | Mots-clés | Lien PDF |
SOIN | Hameau | 2010 | Ornithos | Déplacement atypique d’une Chouette hulotte Strix aluco dans le sud-est de la France | STRALU ; réhabilitation ; dispersion | Hameau, 2010 |
PP | Viollat | 2024 | Ecology & Evolution | Both movements and breeding performance are affected by individual experience in the Bonelli’s eagle Aquila fasciata | HIEFAS ; GPS ; reproduction ; domaine vital | Viollat et al., 2024 |
PP | Baradez | 2019 | Ornithos | L’Engoulevent d’Europe Caprimulgus europaeus : migration et hivernage | CAPEUR ; GLS ; migration ; hivernage | Baradez et al., 2019 |
PP | Rousteau | 2022 | Ecosphere | High long-term survival and asymmetric movements in a reintroduced metapopulation of Cinereous vultures | GYPFUL ; survie | Rousteau et al., 2022 |
PP | Lequitte-Charransol | 2022 | Ringing & Migration | Sexing first-calendar-year Carrion Crows Corvus corone from biometrics reveals variation between years in post-fledging sex ratio | sexe-ratio ; CORONE | Lequitte-Charransol et al., 2022 |
PP | Eraud | 2009 | Ibis | Survival of Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur in relation to western Africa environmental conditions | hivernage ; survie ; STRTUR | Eraud et al., 2009 |
PP | Eraud | 2013 | PLoS ONE | Migration routes and staging areas of trans-Saharan Turtle Doves appraised from light-level geolocators | migration ; hivernage ; GLS ; STRTUR | Eraud et al., 2013 |
PP | Lormée | 2016 | Bird Study | Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur migration routes and wintering areas revealed using satellite telemetry | migration ; hivernage ; GPS ; STRTUR | Lormée et al., 2016 |
PP | Bersuder | 2020 | Ciconia | La Chevêche d’Athéna Athene noctua dans l’Arrière-Kochersberg (Alsace). Statut, habitat, reproduction et perspectives | reproduction ; survie ; ATHNOC | Bersuder & Wassmer, 2020 |
PP | Sénécal | 2021 | Ornithos | Où dorment les chouettes hulottes ? Une étude sur les reposoirs diurnes de Strix aluco |
comportement ; Strix aluco ; télémétrie | Sénécal & Baradez, 2021 |
PP | Cadiou | 2019 | Alauda | Bilan d’un demi-siècle de suivis des colonies d’Océanite tempête Hydrobates pelagicus de l’Archipel de Molène (Bretagne) | reproduction ; démographie ; prédation | Cadiou & Mahéo, 2019 |
PP | Champagnon | 2019 | PeerJ | Effects of research disturbance on nest survival in a mixed colony of waterbirds | impact du baguage ; reproduction | Champagnon et al., 2019 |
PP | Duriez | 2019 | Sc. Rep. Port-Cros Natl. Park | Quel futur pour les balbuzards de Corse et de la réserve naturelle de Scandola ? | PANTUS ; Pandion haliaetus | Duriez et al., 2019 |
PP | Gaget | 2019 | Ibis | Long‐term decline despite conservation efforts questions Eurasian Stone‐curlew population viability in intensive farmlands | BUROED ; declin ; démographie | Gaget et al., 2019 |
PP | Hameau | 2019 | Journal of Ornithology | Assessing the effectiveness of bird rehabilitation : temporarily captive-reared Little Owls (Athene noctua) experience a similar recruitment rate as wild birds | ATHNOC ; réhabilitation ; recrutement | Hameau et Millon, 2019, version française |
PP | Duriez | 2018 | Biology Letters | Migrating ospreys use thermal uplift overthe open sea | PANTUS ; télémétrie ; 3D | Duriez et al., 2018 |
PP | Marchand | 2018 | European Journal of Wildlife Research | Relocations and one-time disturbance fail to sustainably disperse non-breeding common ravens Corvus corax due to homing behaviour and extensive home ranges | CORRAX ; non-reproducteur ; mouvement | Marchand et al., 2018 |
PP | Monti | 2018 | Animal Conservation | The price of success : integrative long-term study reveals ecotourism impacts on a flagship species at a UNESCO site | PANTUS ; stress ; tourisme | Monti et al., 2018 |
PP | Monti | 2018 | Conservation Genetics | Genetic connectivity among osprey populations and consequences for conservation : philopatry versus dispersal as key factors | PANTUS ; génétique ; conservation | Monti et al., 2018 |
PP | Monti | 2018 | Ibis | Migration and wintering strategies in vulnerable Mediterranean Osprey populations | PANTUS ; migration ; hivernage ; télémétrie | Monti et al., 2018 |
PP | Monti | 2018 | Journal of Avian Biology | Migration distance affects stopover use but not travel speed : contrasting patterns between long- and short-distance migrating ospreys | PANTUS ; migration ; télémétrie | Monti et al., 2018 |
PP | Péron | 2017 | Journal of Applied Ecology | The energy landscape predicts flight height and wind turbine collision hazard in three species of large soaring raptor | PANTUS ; AQUCHR ; télémétrie ; 3D ; éolien | Péron et al., 2017 |
PP | Archaux | 2004 | Waterbirds | Wintering of White Storks in Mediterranean France | CICCIC ; hivernage | Archaux et al., 2004 |
PP | Archaux | 2008 | Ibis | High turnover and moderate fidelity of White Storks Ciconia ciconia at a European wintering site | CICCIC ; hivernage | Archaux et al., 2008 |
PP | Arizaga | 2015 | Bird Study | Biases associated with the use of a playback in stopover ecology studies of Bluethroats Luscinia svecica | LUSSVE ; biais, repasse | Arizaga et al., 2015 |
PP | Arizaga | 2015 | Ardeola | Migratory connectivity in European bird populations : feather stable isotope values correlate with biometrics of breeding and wintering Bluethroats Luscinia svecica | LUSSVE ; migration ; isotopes ; biométrie | Arizaga et al., 2015 |
PP | Arizaga | 2016 | Bird Study | Breeding origins and pattern of migration of Bluethroats Luscinia svecica wintering from Iberia to Senegal as revealed by stable isotopes |
LUSSVE ; migration ; isotopes | Arizaga et al., 2016 |
PP | Barbaro | 2008 | Biodiversity and Conservation | Multi-scale habitat selection and foraging ecology of the eurasian hoopae (Upupa epops) in pine plantations | UPUEPO ; habitat | Barbaro et al., 2008 |
PP | Barbraud | 2003 | Journal of Animal Ecology | Phenotypic correlates of post-fledging dispersal in a population of greater flamingos : the importance of body condition | PHORUB ; condition corporelle ; dispersion | Barbraud et al., 2003 |
PP | Bavoux | 2006 | Journal of Raptor Research | Gender determination in the western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) using morphometrics and discriminant analysis | CIRAER ; dimorphisme sexuel | Bavoux et al., 2006 |
PP | Berman | 2009 | Proceedings of the Royal Society B | Contrasted patterns of age-specific reproduction in long-lived seabirds | Oiseaux marins ; reproduction | Berman et al., 2009 |
PP | Boileau | 2014 | Journal of Raptor Research | Post-fledging dependence period in the Eurasian Kestrel (Falco tinnuculus) in western France | FALTIN ; condition corporelle | Boileau et al., 2014 |
PP | Borras | 2005 | Aves | Citril finch (Serinus citrinella) populations at the north of the Pyrenees may winter in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula | SERLLA ; hivernage ; migration | Borras et al., 2005 |
PP | Brucy | 2009 | Cotinga | First documented record of Rufous-rumped Antwren Terenura callinota in French Guiana | TERCAL ; Guyane | Brucy et al., 2009 |
PP | Cadiou | 2004 | Aquatic Living Resources | Ecological impact of the « Erika » oil spill : determination of the geographic origin of the affected common guillemots | CEPGRY ; biogéographie | Cadiou et al., 2004 |
PP | Chartier | 2001 | Alauda | La Cigogne blanche Ciconia ciconia en Normandie au XXe siècle | CICCIC ; migration | Chartier, 2001 |
PP | Chevallier | 2010 | Ringing and Migration | Satellite tracking of a Booted Eagle Aquila pennata during migration | HIEPEN ; migration | Chevallier et al., 2010 |
PP | Chevallier | 2015 | Journal of Applied Ecology | Retrofitting of power lines effectively reduces mortality by electrocution in large birds : an example with the endangered Bonelli’s eagle | HIEFAS ; conservation ; mortalité ; survie annuelle ; prévention | Chevallier et al., 2015 |
PP | Chiron | 2007 | Journal of Wildlife Management | Responses of songbirds to magpie reduction in an urban habitat | PICPIC ; régulation ; impact sur passeaux | Chiron et al., 2007 |
PP | D’Amico | 2007 | Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology | Time-activity budgets and energetics of Dipper Cinclus cinclus are dictated by temporal variability of river flow | CICLUS ; budget énergétique | D’Amico et al., 2007 |
PP | Eybert | 1989 | Comptes-Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences | Premières données sur le territorialisme hivernal observé chez la Gorgebleue (Luscinia svecica L.) | LUSSVE ; territoire | Eybert et al., 1989 |
PP | Finch | 2015 | Diversity and Distributions | A pan-European, multipopulation assessment of migratory connectivity in a near-threatened migrant bird | CORGAR, migration, connectivity, population | Finch et al., 2015 |
PP | Fohr | 2007 | Ciconia | Répartition et abondance du Cincle plongeur (Cinclus cinclus) dans 4 bassins versants des Vosges bas-rhinoises | CINCIN ; reproduction | Fohr, 2007 |
PP | Fohr | 2013 | Ciconia | Quelques aspects de la reproduction du Cincle plongeur (Cinclus cinclus) dans les Vosges moyennes alsaciennes | CINCIN ; reproduction | Fohr, 2013 |
PP | Fohr | 2018 | Ciconia | Importance de la polyginie du Cincle plongeur (Cinclus cinclus) dans les Vosges moyennes alsaciennes | CINCIN ; reproduction | Fohr, 2018 |
PP | Foucher | 2013 | Ornithos | Nouveaux sites d ?hivernage du Phragmite aquatique Acrocephalus paludicola en Afrique de l’Ouest | ACROLA ; hivernage | Fournier et al., 2013 |
PP | Fournier | 2013 | Alauda | Radiopistage sur la Gorgebleue à miroir Luscinia svecica namnetum : une technique robuste et fiable pour la pose d’émetteurs | LUSSVENAM ; radiotracking | Fournier et al., 2013 |
AS | Fournier | 2014 | Alauda | Optimisation du marquage d’oiseaux par la pose de bagues couleurs | Bagues couleurs | Fournier et al., 2014 |
PP | Garoche | 2008 | Alauda | La biologie du Pipit maritime Anthus petrosus petrosus (Montagu) en Bretagne : caractère philopatrique et approche sur la dispersion natale | ANTPET ; dispersion | Garoche et al., 2008 |
PP | Geslin | 2002 | Biological Conservation | Salt exploitation and landscape structure in a breeding population of the threatened bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) in salt-pans in western France | LUSSVE ; paysage | Geslin et al., 2002 |
PP | Geslin | 2004 | Bird Study | Age-related improvement of reproductive success in Bluethroats Luscinia svecica | LUSSVE ; reproduction | Geslin et al., 2004 |
PP | Geslin | 2004 | Ibis | Sex-specific patterns in body condition and testosterone level changes in a territorial migratoty bird : the Bluethroat Luscinia svecica | LUSSVE ; condition corporelle | Geslin et al., 2004 |
PP | Godet | 2015 | Journal of Ornithology | Bluethroats Luscinia svecica namnetum offset landscape constraints by expanding their home range | LUSSVE ; landscape | Godet et al., 2015 |
PP | Godet | 2018 | Biodiversity and Conservation | Differences in home-range sizes of a bird species in its original, refuge and substitution habitats : challenges to conservation in anthropogenic habitats | LUSSVE ; habitat | Godet et al., 2018 |
PP | Guillemain | 2004 | Journal of Ornithology | Fuelling rates of garganey (Anas querquedula) staging in the Camargue, southern France, during spring migration | ANAQUE ; condition corporelle | Guillemain et al., 2004 |
PP | Guillemain | 2015 | Wildfowl | Becoming more sedentary ? Changes in recovery positions of Mallard Anas platyrhynchos ringed in the Camargue, France, over the last 50 years |
ANAPLA ; reprises | Guillemain et al., 2015 |
PP | Guyonnet | 2011 | Ringing and Migration | The origin and population structure of Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima in northern France |
CALMAR ; population | Guyonnet et al., 2011 |
PP | Henry | 2011 | Waterbirds | Rubber Band Ingestion by a Rubbish Dump Dweller, the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) | CICCIC ; pollution | Henry et al., 2011 |
PP | Henry | 2004 | Waterbirds | Do adult little egrets respond to disturbance at their nest by increased breeding dispersal ? | EGRGAR ; dispersion : méthode de capture | Henry et al., 2004 |
PP | Hernandez-Matias | 2010 | The Auk | Determinants of territorial recruitment in Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata) populations | HIEFAS ; recrutement | Hernandez et al., 2010 |
PP | Hogner | 2013 | Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology | Rapid sperm evolution in the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) subspecies complex | LUSSVE ; spéciation | Hogner et al., 2013 |
PP | Itty | 2015 | Rapaces de France - Oiseaux magazine | La technologie GPS, un atout pour le suivi de l’Aigle royal dans le Massif Central | AQUCHR ; GPS ; territoire | Itty et al., 2015 |
PP | Kerbiriou | 2006 | Ibis | Linking territory quality and reproductive success in the Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrochorax : implications for conservation management of an endangered population | PYRRAX ; territoire | Kerbiriou et al., 2006 |
PP | Koenig | 2005 | Afring News | Sexing Madagascar Red Fody Foudia madagascariensis in the non-breeding period | FOUDMAD | Koenig, 2005 |
PP | Le Gouar | 2008 | Ecological Applications | Roles of survival and dispersal in reintroduction success of Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) | GYPFUL ; dispersion | Le Gouar et al., 2008 |
PP | Le Guillou | 2014 | Rapport | Suivi de la population de goéland marin Larus marinus de la ville du Havre | LARMAR ; population | Le Guillou et al., 2014 |
PP | Lieury | 2015 | Biological Conservation | Relative contribution of local demography and immigration in the recovery of a geographically-isolated population of the endangered Egyptian vulture | NEOPER ; dynamique de population ; immigration | Lieury et al., 2015 |
PP | Lieury | 2016 | Biological Conservation | Geographically isolated but demographically connected : Immigration supports efficient conservation actions in the recovery of a range-margin population of the Bonelli’s eagle in France | HIEFAS ; dynamique de population ; immigration | Lieury et al., 2016 |
PP | Lieury | 2017 | Biological Conservation | Designing cost-effective capture-recapture surveys for improving monitoring of survival in bird populations | HIEFAS ; CMR | Lieury et al., 2017 |
AS | Lislevand | 2015 | Journal of Avian Biology | Skipping-type migration in a small Arctic wader, the Temminck’s stint Calidris temminckii | CALTEM ; migration | Lislevand et al., 2015 |
PP | Malafosse | 2014 | Alauda | Dispersion post-natale des jeunes circaètes Jean-le-Blanc | CIRGAL ; dispersion | Malafosse et al., 2014 |
PP | Martin | 2016 | Climate Research | Migration timing responses to climate change differ between adult and juvenile white storks across Western Europe | CICCIC ; migration ; phenologie | Martin et al., 2016 |
PP | Marzolin | 2002 | Journal of Wildlife Management | Influence of the mating system of the Eurasian Dipper on sex-specific local survival rates | CICLUS ; système de reproduction | Marzolin, 2002 |
PP | Matovic | 2017 | Population Ecology | Disentangling the effects of predation and oceanographic fluctuations in the mortality of two allopatric seabird populations | HYDPEL ; survie, climat | Matovic et al., 2017 |
PP | Meillère | 2015 | PLoS ONE | Influence of urbanization on body size, condition, and physiology in an urban exploiter : a multi-component approach | PASDOM ; condition corporelle ; taille ; milieu urbain - rural | Meillère et al., 2015 |
PP | Mihoub | 2010 | Biological Conservation | Challenging conservation of migratory species : Sahelian rainfalls drive first-year survival of the vulnerable Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni | FALNAU ; survie | Mihoub et al., 2010 |
PP | Morelli | 2015 | Behavioral Processes | Saving the best for last : Differential usage of impaled prey byred-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) during the breeding season | LANCOL ; comportement | Morelli et al., 2015 |
PP | Monti | 2013 | Ostrich | The vulnerable Osprey breeding population of the Al Hoceima National Park, Morocco : present status and threats | PANTUS ; conservation | Monti et al., 2013 |
PP | Monti | 2017 | Ornithos | Ecologie et conservation du balbuzard pêcheur Pandion haliaetus en Méditerranée | PANTUS ; télémétrie | Monti et al., 2017 |
PP | Mouronval | 2016 | Livre | Guide de détermination de l’âge et du sexe des canards | identification ; canards | Mouronval & ONCFS, 2016 |
PP | Musseau | 2014 | Acta Ornithologica | Ecology of Aquatic Warblers Acrocephalus paludicola in a fall stopover area on the Atlantic coast of France | ACROLA ; halte migratoire ; télémétrie | Musseau et al., 2014 |
PP | Musseau | 2017 | Ardeola | Importance of intertidal wetlands for the French coastal endemic Bluethroat Cyanecula svecica namnetum and conservation implications in the context of global changes | mue ; domaine vital ; régime alimentaire | Musseau et al., 2017 |
PP | Olioso | 2011 | Ornithos | Variation géographique du plumage des pics verts du Languedoc-Roussillon | PICVIR ; plumage | Olioso et al., 2011 |
PP | Poluda | 2012 | [Ringing and Migration] | First confirmed connectivity between breeding sites and wintering areas of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola | ACROLA ; dmigration | Poluda et al., 2012 |
PP | Ponchon | 2015 | Rapaces de France - OISEAU Magazine | Aigle de Bonelli : 25 ans du programme de baguage : bilan et perspectives | HIEFAS ; démographie ; mortalité | Ponchon & Ravayrol, 2015 |
AS | Pons | 2003 | Population Ecology | Local survival after fire in Mediterranean shrublands : combining capture-recapture data over several bird species | Population, survie ; SYLUND | Pons et al., 2003 |
PP | Poulin | 2002 | Biodiversity and Conservation | Effect of winter cutting on the passerine breeding assemblage in French Mediterranean reedbeds | ACRSCI ; ACRMEL ; EMBSCH ; PANBIA ; CETCET ; habitat | Poulin, 2002 |
PP | Poulin | 2002 | Biological Conservation | Habitat requirements of passerines and reedbed management in southern France | ACRSCI ; ACRMEL ; EMBSCH ; PANBIA ; CETCET ; habitat | Poulin, 2002 |
AS | Pradel | 2007 | Ecoscience | Potential contributions of capture-recapture to the estimation of population growth rate in restoration projects | CMR ; dynamique de population ; CICCIC ; HIEFAS ; PHORUB | Pradel et al., 2007 |
PP | Ravussin | 2015 | Nos Oiseaux | Quel avenir pour la Chouette de Tengmalm Aegolius funereus dans le massif du Jura ? Bilan de 30 années de suivi | AEGFUN ; reproduction ; dispersion ; démographie | Ravussin et al., 2015 |
PP | Recorbet | 2011 | Alauda | Premières données biologiques sur les Goélands d’Audouin Larus audouinii de la colonie d’Aspreto/Ajaccio (Corse) | LARAUD ; reproduction | Recorbet et al., 2011 |
PP | Recorbet | 2012 | Proceedings of the 13th Medmaravis Pan-Mediterranean Symposium | Results from ringing chicks of Audouin’s Gulls Larus audouinii at Aspretto colony (Corsica) and controls in Corsica of chicks ringed in Italy | LARAUD ; dispersion | Recorbet et al., 2012 |
PP | Resano-Mayor | 2014 | PLoS ONE | Multi-Scale Effects of Nestling Diet on Breeding Performance in a Terrestrial Top Predator Inferred from Stable Isotope Analysis |
HIEFAS ; succès de reproduction ; régime alimentaire | Resano-Mayor et al., 2014 |
PP | Robin | 2016 | La Gorgebleue 2.0 | Démographie de la population de Barge à queue noire Limosa limosa limosa en reproduction dans les marais côtiers du Centre-Ouest de la France : premier bilan de cinq années | LIMLIMLIM ; reproduction ; démographie | Robin et al., 2014 |
PP | Rojas | 2016 | PLoS One | Network Analysis Shows Asymmetrical Flows within a Bird Metapopulation | CICCIC ; metapopulation ; dispersion | Rojas et al., 2016 |
PP | Soufflot | 2003 | Alauda | Informations fournies par les controles de chouettes effraies Tyto alba en Bourgogne | TYTALB ; reprises | |
PP | Vincent-Martin | 2013 | Nature de Provence | Quelques éléments pour l’aide à l’identification de l’âge des Aigles de Bonelli Aquila fasciata (Vieillot, 1822) |
HIEFAS ; critères d’âge | Vincent-Martin & Ponchon 2013 |
PP | Wahl | 2013 | Ibis | The demography of a newly established Osprey Pandion haliaetus population in France | PANHAL, population | Wahl et al., 2013 |
PP | Monti | 2021 | Oecologia | Using GPS tracking and stable multi-isotopes for estimating habitat use and winter range in Palearctic ospreys | PANHAL, GPS | |
PP | Schreven | 2024 | Animal Biotelemetry | Effects of capture and GPS-tagging in spring on migration timing and reproduction in Pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus | GPS,ANSBRA | HTTP, Schreven,et al 2024 |
PP | Gould | 2024 | Animal Biotelemetry | A review of electronic devices for tracking small and medium migratory shorebirds | GPS, limicole | HTTP, Gould et al., 2024 |